Clirio View

Worksite inspection, documentation and collaboration in 3D

Clirio is an app suite spanning mobile devices, PCs, and extended-reality headsets for instantly capturing, sharing, reviewing, and resolving worksite observations, issues, and updates.

Clirio users employ the app to collect notes, photos and even 3D scans (using the laser scanner built into a new iPad or iPhone Pro). Teams can collaborate as a group in a live, remote, virtual holographic meeting around one or more 3D scans from within the app.

My contribution to this product as a whole is hard to explain concisely. I was the lead and only creative on the project and wore many hats. We worked on this product for over 2 years and I was involved with creative direction, implementation, execution and almost all the aspects of the design. I was very fortunate to work for such a great company and loved the opportunities and challenges that creating something like this comes with. We spent so much time focusing on what would add value to our users how to evolve the design and port the application across a wide variety of devices. Below are some screen captures and images of the product in use. Contact me to find out any more information or visit the website here to see more.


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