Concepting · MR Experience

Crafted concept stills and looping data visualizations as high fidelity comps based on a proof of concept.

KPMG’s Data and Analytics team came to LOOOK to create a showcase sales tool highlighting 3D data visualization and HoloLens technology. KPMG Insights Centers play host to C-suite level executives from the consulting firm’s roster of Fortune 500 clients. During intensive collaborative sessions, KPMG leaders and data analysts use complex analytical tools to turn data into insights into value.

LOOOK developed a cutting-edge solution for visualizing data in 3D.  With our data-driven application, KPMG can visualize more dimensions of data than is possible using traditional 2D visualizations, and present data insights that are more natural and intuitively understood.

I created a set of stills based on Unity proof of concept that had been created by the time I came onto the team. Instead of capturing footage from the Unity project we decided to create some high fidelity comps to feature on our website. The above video is a animated video that loops to show off how we would have ideally liked to animate content coming in and out as the user manipulates the data. By using motion and clear interaction patterns it makes it easier for anyone viewing this data to view outliers and have a better understanding.

Ways I contributed:

Concepting · Previz · Animation · UI Design · Compositing


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